Remembrance Day as 11/11 in Britain and York 【英國美國也搞雙十一嗎?】

 11/11 is the #Remembrance Day in UK, Australia, Canada, Veterans Day in US, Armistice Day in France, Belgium and NZ to remember the causalities and those fighting for their own nations in the two world wars.

Right in front of King's Manor, the York's Art Gallery by the fountain lies the Remembrance Day flowers.

York was once named a target city, just like Coventry, Southampton and London to be destroyed by Nazi Hitler during the World War II as it is in the frequent destinations of best UK towns for most travel books. York and York Minster survived miraculously in the World War II by German Zeppelins due to the Coventry Cathedral, the largest in the England, was first leveled to the ground and the UK Armed Forces made a quick revenge. The UK government realized that the protection lists should be made with the German travel books about England because that destroying a nation is best destroying its identity.

The UK historic towns and cities are the souls of British people and this gave birth to the British legislation of statutory listed buildings and monuments since the early 1950s'. The King's Manor in York city center is where the University of York started its leading place in heritage conservation research and teaching with the establishment of Advanced Architecture Studies at King's Manor since 1960's.

The public art model to resemble how York Art Gallery might have survived through wars

Britain's Remembrance Day to pay tributes to those in armed forces who lost their lives in two world wars.

Ring of Poppy flowers themed with "LEST WE FORGET"

King's Manor right next to the York Art Gallery


#雙十一 在台灣被商人搞成無腦爆買式購物節,因爲是過去十年附著在牆国的光棍節商機下,但在許多 #自由國家聯盟 裡,這是一個非常特殊的紀念日-#陣亡將士紀念日(跟 Guy Fawkes Day 一樣只紀念不放假),顯得很深沉悲慟的紀念日,很多人會出門在衣服胸前別上 #罌栗花紅花圈 表達對這日子的尊重與對保衛國家失去生命的軍人的悼念,學校與機關會默哀幾分鍾,店家會提供免費優惠給軍人,當然英國女王會出面致意。
英國跟大英國協的澳加馬港等地稱之 #國殤紀念日,美國則是 #退伍軍人日,法比紐則是#停戰日。
英國的節日從10/31的萬聖節後,一周一個紀念日,11/5的 Guy Fawkes Day, 11/11則爲Remembrance,直到12/25耶誕節,有良心與體制認知的店家會很謹慎,不會一下萬聖節後馬上把耶誕節裝飾就擺上來,一定會等 Remembrance 後才會改裝迎接耶誕,所以很多到臺灣的西方人看到臺灣整年擺上耶誕樹的店家商塲會很詫異!
照片是我上課的King’s Manor 旁的約克美術館廣場,這是約克很大的 Remembrance Day 紀念花圈的公共藝術區,因爲約克在二戰當時也遭受德國希特勒的點名式無極限轟炸目標,所幸逃過,要不然就像 Coventry, London 與 Southampton 一樣,中世紀大教堂與古城周遭將被炸彈碾平,約克能保持兩千年的城市榮耀,成爲英格蘭人的歷史心靈座標,英軍的防衛功不可沒。
對於希特勒的盤點英國歷史古城轟炸名單,更造就英國在二戰期間建立 List 保護清單,就是之後英國的 #文資列冊 listed buildings 的由來,也是約克大學考古系建築藝術史系前身的 #高等建築研究院(Advanced Architecture Studies)的設立由來之一

