Heritage Status Locally Listed? Clan Cheng's Farmhouse of early 20th century Formosa 楊梅道東堂


Rebuilt in 1919, the elegant red brick veranda townhouse quality of farmhouse in Yangmei district of Taoyuan is owned by the local clan Chengs who has their footprints on the vast agricultural land over generations. As the economic and land reform success in the mid 1910's during Japanese Formosa(1895-1945), local landlord class of wealthy households started to build their own residential houses in the style that Japanese Meiji Reform has brought from West. The majority came from what Japan had copied from Britain and Europe whose brick and stone masonry to keep the building inflammable resistant.

The outstanding feature of this farmhouse embodies the 17-19th century British and Dutch red brick style facade with ribbon of interlaced red brick and terrazzo which was the key prototype of public buildings, government offices, hospitals, schools and churches in the early 1910s Taiwan. However, portion of the farmhouse including this main hall of cottage was sold to developers by their descendants in 2017. A local petition was held to urge the local cultural authority to make the farmhouse a locally listed building to avoid demolition. Disputes by the family and locals conservation groups went on for years until the local county authority persuaded the developers for exchange of the development rights to keep the building intact. [Willie Guo-Yuan Chen]

Original Post made from Facebook in 2018: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10152607734579662&set=a.10153019948829662

英國在都鐸朝代(Tudor)時期之後, 因為立了英國國教擺脫難纏要錢的天主教羅馬教庭, 有了多餘的錢留在英國島上, 從此發展出鄉村休閒住宅風格, 隨著文藝復興向北傳遞, 法國羅亞爾河流域 (Loire)上許多貴族彼此炫富地蓋起優雅且不具防禦功能的裝飾性城堡來襯托貴族的時尚品味, 這貴族打點自家門面的風潮也吹進英格蘭, 英國鄉間貴族們的莊園大宅(Stately homes) 也彼此蓋得不輸面子, 然而讓人訝異地, 這些英格蘭鄉間彼此爭豔的豪邸設計, 在桃園新竹苗栗的鄉間的也可以看得到!

桃園楊梅道東堂玉明邸今天暫時獲得暫定古蹟的一年保護, 但桃竹苗鄉間, 如同英格蘭鄉間的許多莊園般, 是具有上百座, 需要透過地毯式調察來列冊保護的, 因為桃竹苗鄉間因閩客族群開墾過程, 成功的第二, 第三代, 想在土地上落地生根的方式, 就是盡其所能地把當下最美最耐的材料及工藝, 落實在重視祖先開闢下的祖厝大院落上, 重視格局道統及建築細節, 也常立下祖訓, 希望子孫能傳世百載保護, 這一點, 就像是當年英國的莊園文化!

Shared to Group Discussions showcases Taiwan local listed issue in University of York Cultural Heritage Management course module discussion board in October 2021: https://uniofyork.padlet.org/johnschofield/52jkgxpimkcneabr
