『聯社-台灣老家族』2021年三月花東屏紀遊 - 花東 (Hualien & Taitung - Taiwan Old Family's Visit in March 2021)

Taiwan Old Family March 2021 Tour to Hualien and Taitung
Exploring ritual culture to the East half Taiwan at Hualien and Taitung is like travelling through time seeing what west half Formosa might just look like in its 18th to 19th century. 
一趟台灣東半部的花東的世族與儀式空間之旅, 彷彿看到了18與19世紀台灣西半部漢原共處的生活與文化版圖博奕與轉型中的面貌。

玉里鎮長良連家古厝三合院與半月池 The early 1930's courtyard house of Liens at Yuli town of Hualien with a stunning view through the Lotus Pond.

主要行程: (Main Proposed Destinations)
花蓮 (Hualien County): 花蓮慈惠堂, 花蓮縣考古博物館, 鳳林張七郎先生父子墓, 阿美族太巴塱 kakitaan 祖屋, 富里鄉東里村-邱家古厝, 玉里鎮長良連家古厝
台東 (Taitung County): 宜灣長老教會, 廣恆發商號溫家古厝, 卑南文化月形石柱, 成廣澳天后宮(小港天后宮) , 臺東官設天后宮
屏東 (Pingtung County): 北勢寮保安宮, 佳冬楊家古厝蕭家古厝, 蕭家農場, 建功庄東柵門, 新北勢庄東柵門, 屏東市曾家宗聖公祠, 屏東市崇蘭蕭氏家廟 (另第三天屏東紀遊 Day 3 in Pingtung: https://chenwillie.blogspot.com/p/2021-pingtung-taiwan-old-familys-visit.html )

當地行程聯絡與規劃 (Tours organized by): 
墨林(李林進旺), 蔡東澄, Sally, 劉進興秘書長

時間 (Dates): 2021-03-07 (日) ~ 2021-03-09(二)

第一天(Day ONE: 2021-3-7): 

預計行程: (部分修改於後說明) Proposed Itinerary

6:14 ~ 08:19 台北的參加成員於台北車站集合, 搭乘車次402太魯閣號, 到花蓮新站集合轉搭大型遊覽車。  Members of Taiwan Old Family departed from Taipei and Yilan all reached at 08:19 in Hualien New Train Station which was just opened its door few years ago with naves under a medieval Gothic cathedral. The tour coincidentally became a pilgrimage tour.
台北出發的聯社-臺灣老家族成員跟宜蘭出發的夥伴到了花蓮新站一早8:25的集體合照。 Group photo with Taiwan Old Family members in Hualien New Train Station at early morning Sunday

第一站: 花蓮聖地慈惠堂總堂 (Tsihuei Temple at Hualien)
地址 (Address) :花蓮縣吉安鄉慈惠三街136號 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit):
興建於 1948 年, 主祀瑤池金母娘娘,相關介紹: 花蓮縣文化局 https://www.hccc.gov.tw/zh-tw/CulturalHeritage/Detail/146

位在花蓮吉安鄉的慈惠堂是以扶鸞為主要儀式的鸞堂系統之一鑾堂早期在華人世界存在也很早引進台灣台灣的鑾堂皆以儒家關聯相當密切 , 因此以「儒宗教」或「聖教」自居猶如一儒家系統的宗教組織,有些鑾教跟民間信仰的神祉關聯性高如關聖帝君岳武穆王(岳飛),扶祐帝君,司命真君,李鐵拐等,位在花蓮吉安鄉這座則是跟瑤池金母關聯。

鑾堂在漢文命名上大多有"堂", 花蓮慈惠堂就保留堂字, 雖然在建築外觀配置上跟台灣傳統漢式廟宇(寺, 廟, 宮)極為接近, 但在許多的鑾堂後來的發展上,也轉成宮廟,並停止扶鸞儀式,如台北行天宮,木柵指南宮。聯社台灣老家族的會長劉會長所屬的大坪林劉家就在清末創建了木柵指南宮劉家早期參與的地方漢文化教育深耕與推廣所以與鸞堂有很深廣的聯結脈絡。更多的鑾堂介紹, 詳政大教授林敬智所文, 收納於全國宗教知識網: https://religion.moi.gov.tw/Knowledge/Content?ci=2&cid=222)

鸞儀式為請神、降筆、送神、宣講,所以鑾堂的許多儀式則需要大量的宣講與書寫, 在過去需要與文人結合,核心幹部則多為漢文化知識分子,聯社台灣老家族中有來自宜蘭的台灣鑾堂學者盧一中與楊晉平, 還有宜蘭的佛光大學陳進傳教授也都是鑾堂的專家,在清代台灣老家族為應科舉,深受漢學教育濡化,家中設有私塾或家塾,常在塾中扶鸞,練習寫字與作文章,扶鸞成為各家士子,必修功課。這次聯社老家族連結到花東,老家族與花蓮的慈惠堂總堂談起鑾堂的漢文化精隨猶如相見歡。

參訪合影 (Photos from Visits and the Site):
慈惠堂總堂堂主偕同堂方人員與剛剛抵達的台灣老家族相互接待寒暄並介紹成員。慈惠堂為鑾堂系統, 主祀瑤池金母(西王母娘娘), 鑾堂則是有儒學與教化為宗旨的儒道釋結合的宗教。  Taiwan Old Family members' arrival to Tsihuei Temple of Hualien, the temple dedicating to Chinese mythological Queen Mother of the West, the spirit-mediumship hall of Chinese religion.
Dr. Liu first led the whole Taiwan Old Family to perform worship to the Chinese Queen Mother of the West at the temple upon arrival to Hualien.
First vis-a-vis between Taiwan Old Family with committee members at the board room of the temple 
劉會長與花蓮慈惠堂主任委員陳隆德合影並贈送中華啟文堂劉氏宗親2020年中研院研討會相關資料。 Dr. Liu of Taiwan Old Family offered greeting with the Temple's chief committee member Dr. Chen Longder.
劉會長與花蓮慈惠堂副主委蔡國棟(左) 與同為劉氏宗親的劉秀琴女士(右)合影,並贈送中華啟文堂劉氏宗親中研院2020年中研院研討會相關資料。 Dr. Liu is meeting with the temple's vice cabinet committee members Mr. Tsai Guodong and Mrs. Liu Shiochin.
劉秀琴的劉家與花蓮慈惠堂。 The pamphlet shared by Mrs Liu Shiochin with Taiwan Old Family for the history of how this temple came to Eastern Taiwan with family Liu.

劉秀琴的劉家三代奉獻花蓮慈惠堂。 The family chart of Mrs. Liu whose grand father came to found this private tutor hall temple and Mrs. Liu still performs a significant teaching duty.

花蓮聖地慈惠堂開基時樣貌。 The Temple founded by Lius in Hualien as appeared in 1985.

聖地慈惠堂擴建前的廟門與廟殿之美, 約1990年代。 This temple and its grand arch in 1990 displayed at the board room.

慈惠堂總堂的目前廟門, 由廟程往廟門方向。 The recently renovated grand arch for Tsihuei Temple for Queen Mother of the West.

慈惠堂總堂目前的前殿規模。 The imposing and well ornate facade and well the temple of Tsihuei temple at Hualien

第二站: 花蓮如豐琢玉工坊 (Lu-Fung Jadeite Workshop, Hualien)
地址 (Address) : 花蓮縣壽豐鄉中山路405號 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit): 

參訪合影 (Photos from Site and the Visits):
Jiang Jinyuan, founder of the Lu-Fung Taiwan Jade workshop, gives a briefing of how his workshop was first delivered and transformed from his commitment for reviving jade culture of the region.

第一代創辦人姜錦源夫妻親自示範 DIY 摩玉體驗的工坊區。 Founders of the workshop give Taiwan Old family members an orientation for the DIY area making your own jade jewelry.

第一代創辦人姜錦源夫妻親自示範 DIY 摩玉體驗的工坊區。 The workshop area of Lu Fung with various shapes and size of raw pieces ready for a personal craftsmanship.
Porch of the workshop building is paved with jades from the Hualien County.
花蓮如豐琢玉工坊的環境與建築外觀。 The workshop building of Lu-Fung Taiwan Jade.
如豐琢玉工坊經過經濟部的輔導轉型, 前總統馬英九也曾經親臨工坊參觀並留下簽名成為工坊的重要墨寶。 
Former Taiwanese president Ma Yingjeou had a visit to the workshop and left his signature on a raw piece of jade and this is an important testimony for Hualian as a destination for crafting a fine jade.
如豐琢玉工坊參觀大廳天花板的特殊花蓮玉石設計, 有如發光發亮的花蓮玉石天穹。
The nave of the workshop showroom is fabricated with various jades from Hualien.
The showroom houses key types of jadeite rocks from the Hualien region. 
台灣老家族成員體驗玉石 DIY的成品。 
The booth area to collect DIY samples of individually crafted jades from the workshop.
台灣老家族成員體驗玉石 DIY的成品。 
The booth area to collect DIY samples of individually crafted jades from the workshop.

其實花蓮玉就算不拋磨也是大器這是花蓮如豐琢玉工坊裡的體驗璞玉原石,但若經大家巧手就可成為藝術品。 Rock Jadeite before a polish but it already glitters in your eyes. Part of the Hualien's Taiwan Jadeite Jewelry DIY workshop converted by an ordinary Jade factory.
台灣老家族成員體驗玉石 DIY之前的未琢磨的玉石。 The pre-cut jadeite pieces await everyone's own creativity to make them into a themed shape, like a rooster, a flower, a leaf or an island of Taiwan.
琢磨玉石 DIY的機台, 聯社台灣老家族成員參與教學示範過程。 The working area for getting to polish your own jade jewelry. 

第三站: 花蓮縣考古博物館 (Hualien Archaeological Museum, Shoufon village, Hualien)
地址 (Address) : 花蓮縣壽豐鄉豐山村市場 1 號 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit)


一樓為結合數位科技與互動的常設展覽,展示距今 5,000 年前至 1,000 年前花蓮的史前文化內涵,從空間、時間、人群動等三維向度, 深入探索歷年花蓮地區發掘的考古遺址。展區分為「偵探考古的世界」、 「透視史前的花蓮」及「穿越時空的啟示」等單元,精采呈現花蓮史前的物質文化特色。二樓為開放式庫房,用玻璃櫃典藏展示陶器、玉器,讓民眾可清楚欣賞文物。

值得一提的是,博物館坐落的花蓮縣壽豐鄉豐田出產「豐田玉」 (臺灣玉),是史前最大玉器製造工坊。自新石器時代早期(距今 5,500-4,500 年前)開始就有玉錛、鑿類型器的使用,進入新石器中、 晚期(距今 4,500-2,300 年前)玉器種類逐漸增多,製玉技術成熟,出 現配飾,並可見於海外貿易圈中,至鐵器時代琉璃出現,才造成玉器 產量驟減。1960 年代,國內玉石開發又復興,使豐田所產的「豐田玉」再次為人所知。館內即展出大坑出土玉耳飾,及荖山出土人型玉 耳飾,另外臺東史前館藏的國寶「蛙形玉飾」亦由花蓮縣出土。
部份節錄自: 開幕新聞稿 https://udn.com/news/story/7328/5200014  與花蓮縣文化局,花蓮縣考古博物館摺頁,2021

參訪合影 (Photos of the Site and Visit):
本行程由墨林(李林進旺) 接洽在花蓮文化局的同事協助導覽與深度解說東花蓮縣新設立的文化展場域。

聯社台灣老家族成員在花蓮縣唯一的考古博物館前留影。 Group photo right in front of Hualien's only museum for archaeology in Shoufon and Taiwan Old Family group was highly welcome by the staff from Hualien County cultural authority as it just opens its door very recently.
花蓮縣考古博物館由原本閒置的市場活化再利用而來當年市場的招牌與字跡仍在活貨過程中被保留在新的博物館字招牌後面提醒考古挖掘的本質具有翻閱各個歷史文化層的歷史意義。 The newly inaugurated archaeology museum in Hualien was converted from a former disused public marketplace owned by the county government. The name plaque of the market can still be visibly identified as the museum is up to get people to see through the past.
The megalithic sink as a centerpiece of Hualien Archaeological Museum and shares a status of listed Taiwan national treasure.
花蓮縣考古博物的入口展示的當年發現的石                器石槽,是花蓮工藝的起源
Various carved stone sinks displayed at the entrance of the Hualian Archaeological Museum are coming from the excavated objects found through Hualian County.
花蓮縣文化局考古博物館的館員秦懷安特別安排一場深度的考古館導覽從活化建築空間到考古現場從出土的文物器皿再到原民生活的面貌, 完整地替聯社台灣老家族做花蓮獨特考古館成立的深度說明。   Chin Huai-an, the curator in charge of our museum tour and gave an detailed account how the space is transformed from a marketplace and key collections at the museum.
花蓮縣考古博物館的館員秦懷安特別解釋了除了考古面相之外花蓮玉開採中的特殊產業歷史, 在日本時代的花蓮玉並非採集的是玉石本身反而是玉石頂上長滿的石棉(Asbestos)當年石綿作為防火建材可做為家屋的屋頂日本時代有系統性地在花蓮開採只取得玉石上面的石綿纖維玉石則丟棄,浪費許多玉石的珍寶經濟價值。然而石綿纖細的細小微物容易飄進人的肺部造成病變在1990年後石綿瓦建材被禁,花蓮的石棉開採則走進歷史。
Asbestos growing on top of green jade displayed at Archaeology Museum Hualien. During Japanese Administration over Formosa, the Asbestos on top of primitive Jadeite rocks were queried systematically in Hualien for the building materials. Once the asbestos were taken down, the Jadeite rocks were abandoned although it still bear with value for making treasury. 
花蓮縣考古博物館的館員秦懷安解釋花蓮玉的重要歷史脈絡, 花蓮是南島語系(Austronesian)裡東南亞群島體系玉石貿易的起源。 The museum curator explained the trade routes of jade products in Austronesian and their regions actually all started from Hualien for a handful of thousands of years.
花蓮縣考古博物館內的考古展示親子互動區所展示的沙漏, 內部有原民生活的樣貌在不斷歲月堆壘的砂石上被埋木的互動設計清楚說明考古所呈現出挖掘埋藏在地底城不具文字紀載的文化層產生的重要意義與形塑過程。 An interactive display of an hourglass containing scene of human settlements being gradually covered by falling sands, a key interpretation illustrating how mother nature shaped our unwritten human settlement which are later identified when they are excavated from digs.
花蓮縣考古博物館展示的縣內考古出土地點與發現的不同文化時期。 Distribution map of the archaeological digs throughout the recent century in Hualian county.
花蓮縣考古博物館的館員秦懷安解釋花蓮境內出土的甕棺 (Urn Burial)
Museum's Curator Chin explained that the Urn burials identified in the excavations in Hualien county reveal how funeral practice applied to prehistoric females and possibly early teens. 
A reconstruction of a real archaeology excavation site with artifacts and measurement tools in display at the pits

第四站: 花蓮月盧餐廳 (Moonhouse Restaurant Fenglin, Hualien)

地址 (Address): 花蓮縣鳳林鎮鳳鳴一路 71 號 (Google Map Lookup)

參訪合影 (Photos at the Restaurant):

聯社-台灣老家族在花蓮的鳳林景觀餐廳景觀平台的合影。    Taiwan Old Family members enjoy a feast of eye and fine dinning at the Moonhouse restaurant in Hualien
 花蓮鳳林月蘆餐廳位在半山腰, 餐廳庭院可以俯瞰花蓮的大地天然景觀
Panoramic view of the Hualien from the hillside Moonhouse Restaurant
Dr ONG Nga-ping from Chengchi University stumbled to meet Kongs who was the Principal of Huanlien Haishin High School and a descendant of Confucius in Taiwan at the Moonhouse restaurant at Fenglin. 
政大民族所系主任王雅萍教授在月廬餐廳巧遇花蓮海星中學孔令堅校長夫婦與兒子, 孔令堅校長擘手花蓮孔廟, 為孔子在台第七十六代。 Dr. Kong Lingjian and his family. Kong was in charge of establishing the Confucius Temple in Hualien and is the direct 76th descendant of Confucius.  
前往鳳林月蘆餐廳前有一森林步道, 美食之前的美景, 讓大家暫時停下腳步欣賞這渾然天成的視覺饗宴
 A pleasant and scenic walk up to the Moonhouse restaurant with immerse under the leafy trees avenue.
▲鳳林月蘆餐廳在山腳下的石碑招牌, 猶入秘境
 The sign giving direction to the Moonhouse restaurant at the foothill 
 Taiwan Old Family enjoyed a scenic walk toward the restaurant.
 The Moonhouse restaurant boasts a Japanese garden with an parallel glimpse of scenic Hualien from above. 
▲月蘆餐廳內大家期待美食美景開動前的喜悅並可直視外面的大自然與壯闊景觀 A laid back ambiance inside the Moonhouse restaurant with an unobstructed view to the nature.
▲鳳林月蘆餐廳彷彿是融入野外大自然的一環, 內牆直接用巨石堆砌所產生的天然樣貌, 室內用餐就像在森林內野餐 The walls of the restaurant are made with real rocks from the surrounding hills making dining experience integrated with great nature.
是用餐前後的體驗。 The green tunnel trail leading from the Moonhouse restaurant is a last mile of appetite transformation before guests dining in nature.
 The key selling dish of the restaurant, the Hahka sour plum chicken
▲月蘆餐廳內的招牌菜-客家梅子雞 Hahka sour plum chicken (credit: Katy Hui-wen Hung)
▲月蘆餐廳內的招牌菜-客家梅子雞的內餡 The plums and all hahka ingredients stuffed inside the chicken (credit: Katy Hui-wen Hung)
▲月蘆餐廳內的招牌菜-客家鹹豬肉 Hahka bacon (credit: Katy Hui-wen Hung)
▲月蘆餐廳內的招牌菜-鳳梨蝦球 Prawns on Pineapple
月蘆餐廳內自家眷養的雞, 惝洋於大自然內 Wild roosters swing at the restaurant's own garden

第五站: 花蓮鳳林張七郎先生父子墓 (The Tomb of Chang Chilang in Fenglin, Hualien)
地址 (Address)花蓮縣鳳林鎮鳳義里鳳鳴 一路 太古巢農園 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介: (History of the Site and Visit)

-1947)出身新竹縣大湖口庄張六和家族,其父 張仁壽,原為漢醫,與長老教會傳教士馬偕認識後,成為客家人中最早一批基督徒,設立大湖口長老教會。明治四十三年(1910 年)張七郎考進臺灣總督府醫學校,與蔣渭水同班。 大正四年(1915),張七郎自臺灣總督府醫學校畢業後,曾先後在基隆醫院、馬偕醫院服務,並與在淡水創立淡水中學校(今私立淡 江高級中學)的馬偕之子偕叡廉成莫逆之交。後為紀念父親張仁壽,在淡水街開仁壽醫院,兄長張逢年為中醫, 早年在花蓮港廳行醫,鼓勵張七郎前來鳳林定居,大正十年(1921) 張七郎於鳳林區開設醫院,仍取名為「仁壽」,成為花蓮名醫。 

大正十一年(1923)已到了鳳林的張七郎與當地原住民同著原住民服飾的留影贈送給當時的淡水鎮長洪以南, 張七郎當年因在淡水時為淡水鎮長洪以南的醫生而結識,這次聯社台灣老家族的拜訪也是洪以南的後代跟張七郎家的跨世紀再次聯結。台北達觀數位博物館洪啟宗收藏。  Chang Chilang dressed up in the indigenous outfit and sent this photo in 1923 sent to the former Tamsui mayor Hong Yinan in Tamsui, the most important world trade port town since mid-19th century. With the inspiration from Taiwan Presbyterian Church William Mackay, Chang was committed to come over to Hualien for a medical career in Fenglin where the medical resource was extremely scarce. Chang met Hong in Tamsui as Hong's main medical doctor. A century later, this photo sent from Chang to Hong in 1923 is again gifted back to Chang's descendant by Hong's descendant and this is why a trip to Fenglin is organized. Photo credit: Ken Hong from Daguan Digital Museum.

1945 年九月,第二次世界大戰結束,臺灣由國民政府接收後,張七郎寫信要求三位在前滿州國奉天市(今瀋陽市)行醫的兒子回台, 三子遂於翌年以聯合國公約難民身分返回臺灣。1946 年 2 月,熱心教育的張七郎被任命為鳳林農業職業學校代理校長,並打算開辦鳳林初級中學,因此與花蓮縣縣長張文成發生多次爭執,最終未能真除。 3 月張七郎決定參選花蓮縣參議員,順利當選後被推選為議長。同年張七郎當選制憲國大代表,但由於臥病並未能參與制憲過程。1947 年,張七郎參選花蓮縣縣長,同年 2 月二二八事變爆發,被邀請參加 二二八事件處理委員會,但因病而未參加。4 月 1 日,中華民國國軍 21師獨立團至花蓮縣清鄉。4月 4日晚上,駐軍以有士兵拉肚子為由, 先要張宗仁帶藥箱前往治療,不久張果仁回來,突被反扣綑綁帶走, 未出示任何逮捕令,不久又拘捕臥病在床的張七郎與張依仁。在未經過司法審判下,張七郎、張宗仁與張果仁父子三人連夜被押至鳳林鎮郊外的公墓秘密槍決;三人生前皆遭凌虐,傷痕累累,死時只著內褲, 外衣、帽子都被剝走,子彈皆從後背穿過前胸,另張果仁大腸外露。 張氏遺族後來自行尋獲遺體收埋,並在墓碑上刻著「兩個小兒為伴侶、 滿腔熱血灑郊原」的文字,把遇害者的悲傷、憤怒及無奈表露無遺。 

張七郎(最後一排左二), 與國民黨人士的合影, 約 1945-1947年。 Dr Chang Chilang (second from the left in the last row) meeting with Chinese Nationalists in 1945-1947. 

次子張依仁因曾在東北醫治蔣介石的腹瀉,具備軍醫身分證件而 得以倖免,但被囚禁於東部警備區司令部設立的勞動訓導班三個月後才釋放。此案曾被上報至層峰,經蔣介石查問,特務無法答覆而以「拒捕誤殺」回報,最後處分以林頂立去職結案。事後臺灣警備總司令部 宣布:「張七郎、張宗仁、張果仁因背叛國民黨與國民政府、組織暗殺團,逮捕時反抗因而加以射殺」,但是無法提出相關証據。近年才解密的國家安全局歷史檔案、1949 年 11 月 28 日的「二二八事變正 法及死亡人犯名冊」中,則將張七郎名列第一位。

2009年,中央研究院研究員許雪姬收購與公布二二八事變相關檔案,檔案中有份公文指出此案是由時任花蓮縣縣長張文成密報,經 國防部保密局臺灣站站長林頂立送交情報,交由抵台鎮壓的 21 師獨立團第五連連長董至成執行秘密處決。 

張炎憲與曾秋美所著作的花蓮鳳林二二八的張七郎的家族中約 1938年在當年花蓮鳳林仁壽醫院前的全家照, 左一為張七郎 Chang's family photo in front of his established Renshou Hospital in Fenglin of Hualien in 1938.

在花蓮鳳林的「仁壽醫院」於張七郎死後11年,有一位醫師名叫劉邦生,他無畏流言、也不避敏感,徵得張七郎妻子詹金枝同意後,決定承接「仁壽醫院」名稱,繼續在鳳林鎮開業。「仁壽醫院」在劉邦生醫師過世後,拆下了牌匾。但是劉家人一直悉心保管著這塊極具歷史意義的木牌匾。多年之後,在一次偶然機緣之下,劉邦生醫生的兒子劉青松遇到張七郎醫師的媳婦張玉蟬,他和家人討論之後,決定要將「仁壽醫院」牌匾歸還給張家。(文:想想論壇)  。劉青松(鳳林客家文史工作協會)抱著20公斤重的牌匾到鳳林教會。黃瑞娟攝。(圖:https://tw.appledaily.com/politics/20171126/7D45MTTTJ7437VYWJGJOJ7T3I4/)
The son of Dr. Liu to resume 1947's Renshou Hospital holding the original wooden plaque to the Fenglin Presbyterian Church to return to Lady Chang Yu-tsang, the daughter and daughter in law of the 228 incident victim Chang Chilang after nearly 70 years keeping the hospital's testimony. 

張七郎出生在新竹湖口,父親張仁壽是一位漢醫,張七郎日後也當醫生。自台灣總督府醫學校(今台大醫學院)畢業後,他在淡水開業,以父之名,創設了「仁壽醫院」。張七郎醫生卻因兄長一句「東部沒醫生」,從小受「馬偕精神」影響的他,決定舉家遷往花蓮鳳林鄉,1922年將「仁壽醫院」遷移到台灣東部。2017年感恩節的第一個禮拜日,在鳳林教會牧師及眾人的見證下,劉家將張七郎1922年年在鳳林鎮開業、距今歷史已有95年,親筆題寫的「仁壽醫院」木牌匾,歸還給張家遺族,由媳婦張玉蟬代表與孫婿顏崑陽接受。 圖文想想論 https://www.thinkingtaiwan.com/content/6616
Chang Chilan set up his hospital Renshou Hospital in Tamsui in the name of his father Chang Renshou. Chang Chilang relocated his hospital to East Taiwan in 1922. When Chang was victim of the 228 incident, the hospital was carried on by Liu with the same name same plaque. AFter nearly nine decades, the son of the Dr Liu who sustained Chang Chilang's Renshou Hospital decided to give back to Chang's descendant. It was under the testimony of the Presbyterian Church in the Thanksgiving in 2017. Lady Chang Yu-tsang and his son-in-law Professor Yen Kuenyang were the representatives to receive the 95 years old wooden name plaque.

2021年3月29日行政院促轉會首度公告天馬茶房等廿五處二二八不義遺址, 包含張七郎受難地的花蓮鳳林公墓。張七郎與他的兩位兒子在火葬場水泥大土地公像的位置被槍殺,並挖坑隨便埋,之後家屬才尋回遺體帶回太古巢農園埋葬,太古巢農園的墓則為張七郎與兩位兒子從1947年開始的長眠之地。
資料來源: 維基百科

參訪合影 (Photos at the site and the visit): 

太古巢農園的張七郎後人居所與張七郎父子墓(一) 本次接待由孫婿顏崑陽教授幫忙顏教授為前東華大學人文社會學院院長並在輔大與東華有兼任中文系客座, 為台灣重要詩人與文壇著作無數目前住在太古巢農園與妻子照顧年邁的張七郎女兒張玉蟬女士並每周往返花蓮台北兩地。
Taiwan Old Family members in Chang Chilang's tomb with Chang's descendant Yen Kuenyang at the doorstep of Taigu Farm Cottage in Fenglin. Professor Yen Kuenyang, the grandson in-law of Chang Chilang, taking care of Chang Yu-tsang at this farm cottage where the tomb of the 228 Incident victims Chang Chilang and two siblings is erected.

▲聯社-臺灣老家族在鳳林太古巢農園前與張七郎在台後人一家留影。 Taiwan Old Family members with Professor Yen Kuenyang at his farm cottage.

陳耀昌醫師與張七郎孫婿顏崑陽院長實為舊識, 今日再訪。 
Dr. Chen Yaochang and Professor Yen Kuenyen met again at Taigu Fruit Farm 

聯社台灣老家族到張七郎父子墓上香與獻花致意 Taiwan Old Family led by Dr Liu Chishiang coming to pay tribute to Chang Chilang and his two sons at their tomb.
顏崑陽院長聯社台灣老家族解說張七郎父子當年的受難過程令人鼻酸 Professor Yen gave an account at the tomb for how this tragedy of Chang Chilan and his father and uncle happened in 1947.
聯社台灣老家族與顏教授在張七郎父子墓前致意 Taiwan Old family members came to express the condolences at Chang's tomb.

聯社台灣老家族與顏教授替張七郎父子墓前上香獻花與致意 Taiwan Old family members came to express the condolences at Chang's tomb.
顏崑陽院長分享聯社台灣老家族當年的透過親筆文章說明二二八受難遺孀的心境 Professor Yen shared his published writing for the tragic event which took the lives of his father and grand father-in-law in the 28th Feb slaughtering of 1947.
▲聯社-臺灣老家族劉啟群醫師親送張玉蟬女士中研院家族史研討會與劉氏宗親資料, 張玉蟬原為張七郎養女, 嫁給張七郎三子張果仁。 Dr. Liu on behalf of Taiwan Old Family gifted Academia Sinica Conference materials to Lady Chang Yutsang, the raised daughter of Chang Chilang married with his third son Chang Guoren before the 1947 incident which torn her family apart.
淡水詩人與庄長洪以南曾孫女洪惠文親向張玉蟬夫人顏崑陽教授說明百年前張七郎贈送淡水洪家,當年遠赴花蓮行醫時與原民一起穿著當地原住民的照片的相關歷史。 Katy Hui-wen Hung, a descendant of Tamsui poet Hong Yinan, gave an explanation of how the 1923 photo frame of Chang Chilang was made.
淡水詩人與庄長洪以南曾孫女洪惠文回贈張玉蟬夫人顏崑陽教授百年前張七郎的照片與洪惠文親自的畫作提袋以表感謝年前的重要緣份。 Katy Hui-wen Hung gifted Lady Chang Yu-tsang for the 1923 photo and her work of painting in return for how her great grand father received from Chang Chilang in 1923.
▲張玉蟬住所牆上的泛黃張七郎著原住民服飾的畫作, 正是台北淡水洪以南的回贈之作, 頭城盧家盧一中老師幫忙指出洪以南的簽名
 It was a surprise that the picture frame with portrait of Chang Chilang dressed in local indigenous outfit hung on the wall in the cottage was a painting reproduction by Katy's grand grand father Hong Yinan. 
張玉蟬住所牆上的泛黃張七郎著原住民服飾的畫作, 正是送給當年淡水鎮長洪以南的照片主題的畫作的, 洪惠文手指著百年前締結的家族緣份。 The picture frame of Chang Chilang in an indigenous costume was a painting reproduction from the theme of the photo that Chang sent to Hong in 1923.
▲張玉蟬女士、顏崑陽院長、與聯社-臺灣老家族全體, 陳耀昌醫師, 王雅萍教授在張女士家的合照。 Group photo at Chang's cottage with lady Chang, his son in law Professor Yen Kuenyang, Dr Chen Yaochang, Dr. ONG Nga-ping from Chengchi University, and Taiwan Old Family members.
▲陳耀昌醫師與張玉蟬的在鳳林家中的合影。 Dr Chen Yaochang and Madame Chang Yu-tsang the daughter and daughter in law of Chng Chilang.
張七郎醫師在 1910-1915年之間就讀臺灣總督府醫學校時所留的醫學筆記, 台大醫學院醫學人文博物館, 陳耀昌醫師提供。    
Chang Chilang's handwritten notes during his study at Taihoku Medical School during 1910-1915. Collection Museum of Medical Humanities of National Taiwan University . Credit by Dr. Chen Yaochang.
張七郎留下來的大正年間的畫作(中)為家中重要信物。 A painting done by Chang Chilang is displayed as a centerpiece of the Chang's cottage, a reminder of his presence in the eyes of Lady Chang. 
▲張玉蟬女士住所中保留的張七郎生前墨寶。 The literal work and calligraphy of Chang Chilang is picture framed at the cottage.
▲張七郎生前在昭和十六年送給女兒的紀念碑。 A 1941 memorial stone tablet made by Chang Chilang to his daughter at the backyard of the Chang's cottage at Taigu Fruit Farm in Hualien.
▲張七郎生前在昭和十六年送給女兒的紀念碑內文。 The rear view of the memorial stone with engraved words for the daughter from Chang Chilang, at Chang's Cottage, a potential merit for cultural asset of modern history of Taiwan.
太古巢農園張七郎女兒家中前的百年茶花樹, 樹高快兩樓房高, 可能也在張七郎給女兒的紀念碑的時代所種植, 農園裡也有不少株的茶花, 臺灣老家族同型的李春生後代李福然特別指出這茶花在他李春生年代的大稻埕三合院裡也有植栽。 A very old and grown tall camellia is standing right in front of Lady Chang's cottage, perhaps planted in the same period of the memorial stone laid by Chang Chi-lang. Camellia is an important garden flower during Li Chuenshen's 1870's in courtyard house families, according to Li Chuenshen's descendant, Li Holian in the same trip of Taiwan Old Family to Hualien. 

第六站: 文化景觀-花蓮光復鄉阿美族太巴塱 kakitaan 祖屋 (Kakitaan, Tafalong Ancestral House, Amis tribe, Hualien)
地址 (Address): 花蓮縣光復鄉富強街 19 號 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit):
太巴塱 Kakitaan 祖屋為 kakitaan 家族所有,主掌部落的祭典儀式與政治,以及部落土地及傳統領域的支配權,體現了部落傳統的 政治、經濟與社會結構。是迄今發現唯一樑柱有刻繪圖紋的傳統阿美族建物。此棟建物於昭和 10 年(1935)被台灣總督府史蹟名勝天然物調查會指定為史蹟保存。民國 47 年(1958)Kakitaan 祖屋為溫妮颱風吹毀,族 人無力重建。後來在中研院民族所研究員劉斌雄交涉下,將倒地的雕 刻屋柱運到台北,入藏民族所博物館。91 年(2002),社區總體營造喚起部落年輕一代族人對 Kakitaan 祖屋的重視,展開重建工作。族 人依據日本時代建築學者千千岩助太郎 1940 年的繪圖重建,並複製中研院民族典藏的屋柱,於 95 年(2006)1 月 16 日落成,重現 Kakitaan 祖屋的傳統樣貌。97 年 7 月 23 日登錄為花蓮縣文化景觀


1.任先民,〈花蓮縣太巴塱阿美族的祖祠〉,《中央研究院民族學研究所集刊》6 期(1958:秋季),頁 79-106。 
2.花蓮縣文化局,網址:https://www.hccc.gov.tw/zh-tw/CulturalHeritage/ Detail/60 
3.《花蓮縣光復鄉太巴塱祖祠之調查研究暨維護計畫》,花蓮縣文化局,未出版, 2009。 
4.花蓮縣光復鄉太巴塱,原大頭目 Kakitaan 祖屋
5. 陳凱紹, 高砂族住居研究の思い出-千千岩太郎, https://blog.kaishao.idv.tw/?p=696

參訪合影 (Photos at the site and the visit): 
花蓮縣光復鄉太巴塱原大頭目 Kakitaan 祖屋前合影。 Taiwan Old Family members having a group photo with the current Tafalong tribal 59th and 60th generation chieftains Ho Yulang and Ho Chi-jae at the 2005 restored Tafalong Chief Kakitaan home.
▲聯社-臺灣老家族劉進興秘書長贈送花蓮太巴塱第59代族長何玉蘭女士來自台北新店大坪林劉家相關資料與禮物。 Taiwan Old Family secretary Li Jinhsin from Taipei Tapinglin Lius prepared a set of gifts for the aristocratic leader Ho Yulang of Tafolong at historical Kakitaan house.
太巴塱原大頭目 Kakitaan 祖屋與最近重組的現貌 The restored thatched roof house at Tafalong tribe in Guanfu village in Hualien County in a recent restoration for the year of 1958 typhoon devastated ancestral home of tribal leader Kakitaan. The house was identified as an important cultural destination during Japanese Formosa. The well carved timber pillars of the original chief's house was in collection by Academia Sinica Taiwan for nearly 55 years before areal restoration in just 2004.
第59代何玉蘭女士與第60代何志傑先生在祖屋前祈福跟祖靈報告台灣老家族的進屋參訪。 The ritual of mediumship to spirits of ancestors is practiced at the day by the current chieftains for inviting guests.
太巴塱原大頭目 Kakitaan 祖屋前立碑, 紀念2005年祖屋重建相關技術人員。The stone tablets erected in 2005 in front of Tafalong Kakitaan's house for the history and people who offered techniques to assemble back to its former state.
太巴塱原大頭目 Kakitaan 祖屋由59代族長何玉蘭女士於2005年回組回來, 同年登錄文化資產身分。 The stone tablet erected by the 59th chieftain Ho Yulang to restore the ancestral cottage of Tafalong chief Kakitaan in Hualien.
The 60th generation chieftain Ho Chi-jae gave an orientation of the history of Tafalong and the poepl and ancestral house.
第60代太巴塱族長何志傑先生與魁儡花著作者陳耀昌醫師於太巴塱原大頭目 Kakitaan 祖屋內合影 The current 60th generation chieftain Ho Ji-jae with the Indigenous culture scholar, writer and doctor Chen Yaochang filmed inside the restored Kikitaan house. 
太巴塱原大頭目 Kakitaan 祖屋前廊的武士木雕柱 
The warrior themed wooden carving pillar at the door front.
▲ 2004年回組回來的使用構件之一為黃藤, 作為架高樓地板 The yellow rattan was selected and deployed to restore the floor pavement of the historic Kakitaan House for the Tafalong tribe, a key tribe of Amis in Eastern Taiwan.
太巴塱原大頭目 Kakitaan 祖屋內族人最起源男孩木雕, 當時因海嘯代著妹妹往山上跑躲過海嘯的襲擊, 在山上繁衍後代後在陸續遷徙到山下的各部落 The carved figure of the legendary boy who survived through tsunami and run to the higher hills and gave birth to later generations for many tribes in the Eastern Taiwan.
太巴塱原大頭目 Kakitaan 祖屋內族人最起源男孩與女孩木雕, 當時因海嘯代著妹妹往山上奔跑躲過海嘯的襲擊, 在山上繁衍後代後在陸續遷徙到山下的各部落
The sculptures for the story of a sibling (a girl and her brother) running up the mountain to escape the tsunami and gave birth to the future generations of the indigenous people living in the Eastern Taiwan.
太巴塱原大頭目 Kakitaan 祖屋之前族人在這裡生活的樣貌與照片 The photos collections of the Tafalong's people wiht the Kakitaan house before the house was destroyed by storm in 1958.

第七站: 玉里客家生活館 (Hahka Culture Gallery at Yuli town)
地址 (Address ): 花蓮縣玉里鎮仁愛路二段 8 巷 10 號

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit):

玉里鎮客家生活館面積 231.7 平方公尺,座落於佔地 6,000 平方 公尺之璞石閣公園內,其前身為劉家鋸木廠,長久荒廢,民國 94 年蒙行政院客家委員會補助經費加以修建,95 年 4 月完工。本館 造型典雅,濃郁的檜木香,置身其中讓人心曠神怡,是閒置空間有效 再利用的典範。 本館於 95 年 6 月開館營運,館舍經營以藝文展覽為主,以一個 月為一個檔期,至本(99)年7月止,累計展出45檔次,參觀人次84,852 人次,展出內容包含書法、繪畫、工藝、攝影、古文物等多元而豐富, 金曲歌手謝宇威、客家詩人葉日松、藝術家校長賴世豪、教授畫家曾 興平、蠟染藝術家張文暐、客籍書法家劉松炎等均先後進駐參展,不 僅為藝文創作者提供一處平台,也提供了溫馨的氛圍讓居民親近藝術,啟迪居民藝術方面的新視野,帶動地方的文藝風潮,同時,本館更積 極地將館舍定位為「玉里鎮客家文化中心」為使命,期凝聚本鎮客家 意識,展現客家人文。近年本鎮「藍染」與「璞石藝術」二項具地方 特色工藝之發展,本館即發揮「創造」與「分享」之功能。

參訪合影 (Photos at the site and the visit): (只短暫停留並未團體合影)

玉里客家生活館前身曾為聯社台灣老家族劉會長小時候的生活起居家屋, 當年玉里有伐木業在此, 劉會長分享了當年在日式建築架高屋身下有流水小溪經過, 見證作為伐木業處理工坊的一環,現在的建築已經消失此特徵。  The wooden cottage now a local gallery exhibiting Hahka Culture used to be a residential home where Dr. Liu used to stay before moving back to Taipei in 1950s which in the old days for lumbering business in the East Taiwan.  

第八站: 縣定古蹟-富里鄉東里村邱家古厝 (Chiu's Historic Mansion, Listed Heritage of Hualien County)

地址 (Address): 花蓮縣富里鄉道化路 32 號
簡介 (History of the Site and Visit):


富里鄉東里村舊名「大庄」,原為阿美族部落,清道光 25 年(1845), 鄰近長良地區平埔族遷移至此,後來西部地區平埔族人陸續向東部遷 移,久之使得平埔族於大庄一帶人口漸多。 東里邱家原籍廣東省嘉應州蕉嶺縣,據傳在第 13 世來台,在台 灣西部經多次遷徙,光緒年間定居於屏東新埤郡打鐵庄。  光緒二十一年(1895),台灣割讓日本,當時邱順連(1868-1908) 擔任甲長,為了躲避日人迫害,偕妻廖阿妹(1868-1963)、子邱安德 (1890-1945)遷徙後山,沿途獲平埔族人潘石來協助與指引,經楓港、大武、寶桑(今台東)、里壠(今關山)、新開園(今池上)及公埔(今富 里),抵達大庄。

邱家定居東里後,幫人收割維生,妻兒到田裡撿拾掉落的稻穀, 並接受平埔族人的救濟。明治 41 年(1908)邱安德 18 歲時,邱阿連便 過世了,當時廖阿妹為了維持家計遂開始販賣豬肉。三年後,一位習 知漢醫的長輩曾阿稷,常於邱家進出,這位長輩對於邱安德視如己出, 將畢生所學傳授於邱安德,包括漢醫、漢文,也教導邱安德學習書法; 並且從大陸地區引進多項中藥材,開立「養元藥房」。 邱安德爾後繼承養元藥房的事業,在花東地區相當有名,甚至病 患遠從台東、光復一帶到東里求診。他也熱心公益,興建東里玉蓮寺、 發動庄民修築道路,為當時大庄警察官吏派出所的大久保警察所欣賞,令其擔任大庄庄長、保正等職。隨著娶平埔族望族潘阿娘為二房,並 與平埔族人潘石來、長良連碧榕等人結拜,抬高邱家社會地位。 邱安德從大正七年(1918)開始購入土地,累積財富,昭和三年 (1928)購入現今古厝的建地,並著手興建。開始興建,至昭和五年 (1930)完工。

邱家古厝坐辰朝戌,邱家古厝的興建邱安德及邱金水父子多年積 蓄,聘請著名廣東名匠邱鎮邦和其他唐山師傅主其事,耗費 9,000 日 圓,但仍經費不足,抵押 13 甲耕地向銀行貸款,至昭和五年(1930) 春天完工,彩繪部分至昭和十年(1936)方完成。 初建時為坐辰朝戌的五開間一條龍,後因為家族成員增多,在左、 右兩側增建兩開間,並向後院增建兩個土角磚護龍,成為內縮式的三 合院,作為房間與儲藏空間。昭和二十年(1894)邱安德去世後,長房邱金水繼承龍邊、次房邱金富繼承虎邊,經營養元中藥房。到了民國 40 年(1951)發生「花蓮大地震」,古厝建築傾斜 15 度,補強主體結 構,民國 89 年碧利斯颱風正廳屋面又再次受創,以鋼質浪板屋面來 修建。民國 91 年公告登錄為歷史建築,98 年公告為縣定古蹟。

古厝中港間為廳堂,堂號「河南堂」,門面有雕工精細的「螭虎團爐」的窗堵雕刻,門楣繪有鎮邦款的「渭水聘賢」及勉勵屋主之 「立斯門切念,堅心成建業;居此室須知,奮志上層樓」詩句。前廊 為「卷棚式」屋架,有優雅的瓜筒和螭虎拱,廊前竹節石柱為玉里在地石匠陳家所雕。 進入廳堂,堂號「河南堂」,中央供奉觀音媽彩、觀音神像及邱、 廖二姓祖先大牌,為家族祭祀空間。屋架為樟木的「穿斗式棟架」, 大楣及堵板有各種題材的精美彩繪與書法,如大楣由丘鎮邦繪「天官賜福」、堵板繪南宋理宗賜丘岳御筆「忠實」的故事,左右堵板則分 別畫麻姑與壽翁,松鶴及孔雀,並有新竹書法家劉家驥(1866-1948)、 洪川徐慶瀾等人的行書、草書詩句,屋主邱安德也在棟對題下「盡孝 莫辭勞轉眼便為人父母,施恩休望報回頭且看爾子孫」,形成完整的人文空間。

資料來源: 花蓮縣文化局委託、樹德科技大學建築與環境設計系執行,《花蓮縣邱家古厝調查研究暨測繪計畫成果報告書》,花蓮:花蓮縣文化局,2009。

參訪合影 (Photos at the site and the visit): 
▲聯社台灣老家族與學者跟邱家人(邱美貞, 邱菊貞(前), 邱顯育)在邱家古厝前的合影。Scholars coming together with Taiwan Old Family had a group photo with Chiu's(Chiu Meijeng, Chiu Jujen, Chiu Shienyu) in front of the Chiu's historic mansion built in 1930, the only Han style timber brick house in the Eastern Taiwan.
聯社台灣老家族與學者跟邱家人(邱美貞邱顯育)在邱家古厝河南堂。Chiu's two representatives showed their ancestor's worship hall with Taiwan Old Family.
邱家古厝接洽的邱美貞與邱顯育解說古厝的歷史。Chiu Meijen(second on the left) and Chiu Hsieny(first on the left) received members of Taiwan Old Family at the front hall.
Chiu Hsienyu, a recent retiree from Chunghwa Telecom, formed a team in the family art and cultural foundation and showed up the important art works and cailligraphy inside the main ancestor's hall.
▲邱家古厝為花東境內最精湛閩南式建築, 第一進前的樑上瓜筒與螭虎拱雕刻在花東是最美且唯一。 Chiu's Historic Mansion in Fuli town of Hualien boasts with the finest and the only carved timber truss Chinese architecture in the eastern Taiwan.
新竹書法家劉家驥墨寶收藏於邱家古厝內祖先廳。 Chinese Calligraphy works from great Chinese calligraphy master Liu Jiaji are now displayed like a treasure trove inside the ancetor's hall of Chiu's historic home in Fuli of Hualien.
祖先廳內左右堵板松鶴畫作。 The original 1930's Chinese painting of pine tree and stork remained intact on the walls inside the main hall.
新竹書法家劉家驥墨寶收藏於邱家古厝內祖先廳。 The Chinese Calligraphy work from great Chinese calligraphy master Liu Jiaji.
▲ 這次參訪發現牆堵上有西式畫作主題為富士山等大自然景觀, 目前尚未被研究出日本時代的哪一位畫家所創作, 待與花蓮文化局同仁後續挖掘這邱家古厝的藝術史價值。 Rare theme of western paining themed with natural landscape is also framed up on the wall above all the Chinese calligraphy and painting but without a known author. This is a new discovery by Taiwan Old Family visiting Chiu's historic mansion this time in March 2021 as those western painting is an unusual setting within all the Chinese artworks inside the Han Chinese great hall. A follow up might be sought from the Hualien Cultural Authority to do a further art history research to further understand why this was made and who contributed this.
 邱家古厝內全台罕見的竹節狀立柱。The rarely seen stone pillar in the form of bamboo.
▲ 邱家古厝在所成立的邱安德文化藝術基金會於邱家古厝祖先廳一旁連棟的店屋, 前身曾是邱家藥房 The cultural foundation of Chiu is located right next to the main ancestral worship hall and used to house the local pharmacy in their grand father's time.
▲  邱家藥房原藥局牌。 The plaque for the formerly known pharmacy of the town run by the Chiu.
▲邱家藥房當年的藥草櫥櫃。 The former Pharmacy's cabinet for storing the Chinese medicines is still kept well within the Chiu's Cultural Foundation in-situ.
▲ 邱家古厝祖先廳右側為現在家族的居住空間
。 The right entrance to the central ancestral worship hall is still reserved for the family's residential area and is kept as the place to see their family album. 

第九站: 池上台糖牧野渡假村 (Taiwan Sugar Corp Chishang Pastoral Farm Resort at Taitung)
地址 (Address): 台東縣池上鄉新興村 110 號

參訪合影 (Photos for the site):
參訪第一天晚餐在台糖的池上牧野度假村內的餐廳享用客家菜。 First day dinner in Taiwan Old Family March 2021 tour in Huanlien and Taitung took place at the Hahka Dish restaurant inside the Taiwn Sugar Corp Chishang Pastoral Farm Resort.

台糖的池上牧野度假村餐廳外觀仿造客家圓型土樓。 The Hahk Restaurant in TaiSugar Corp Chishang Farm Resort has a distinctive feature of Hahka Toulou Round Fort, a UNESCO site of Hahka military engineering architecture in Fuchien China.

台糖的池上牧野度假村為第一天的住宿。 The dorm area at Taiwan Sugar Corp Farm Resort.
台糖的池上牧野度假村有這世界級的山景。 Lodging at Taitung's farm resort at Chishang area enjoys the most splendid view of the mountains in the east Taiwan.
台糖的池上牧野度假村內保留類似軍營內的活動中心建築設施。The common activity area of Chishang Farm Resort seems unfolds a past of being a military camp.
台糖的池上牧野度假村內的小火車車頭. The display of the old time Train Carriage which is dated back to 1940s.
台糖的池上牧野度假村外的林蔭伯朗大道。 The trees-lined tunnel in Taitung lying within the rice paddies is in the vicinity of Tai-Suger Corp Farm Resort, a bonus attraction of staying one night at this place in Taitung.

第二天(Day TWO: 2021-3-8): 

預計行程: (部分修改於後說明) Proposed destinations on the Day Two

第一站: 歷史建築-長良連家古厝 (Lien's Historic Farmhouse in Changliang, Hualien, Listed Heritage)
地址 (Address): 蓮縣玉里鎮長良里 2 鄰 長良 12 號 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit)
雙溪舉人連旭樁公子、開蘭舉人黃纘緒女婿,大正年間移居長良,成立「東臺振業合資會社」。 本次參訪由連洪德先生導覽解說。

連家祖籍福建漳州長泰縣江都,乾隆末年連湘攜子連元橋 (1768-1847)渡台,初居小雞籠,嘉慶七年(1802)連元喬結合家族, 以「連同興」墾號,向三貂社給墾三貂九份洋埔地,遂定居頂雙溪, 隨著清廷設立噶瑪蘭廳,三貂嶺成為入蘭官道,連家經數年累積財富, 漸為富裕,被鄉人推舉為三貂董事。 

元橋之孫連日春(又名旭椿,1827-1887),原欲拜入大龍峒陳維英帳下,初遭陳維英拒絕,遂為文呈之,陳維英閱後大為欣賞,乃拜 入門下。至 50 歲考中舉人,其人熱心公益,協助三貂鄉民解決訟端,不喜結交權貴,中法戰爭奉命辦理鄉團,地方因而安定,得到鄉人的 愛戴,稱之「舉人公」。連日春生六子,其五子連碧榕(1878-1950),字肖垣,又字青城, 號企真山人、企真子,人稱「連大少爺」,與宜蘭舉人黃纘緒(1817-1893) 指腹為婚,於明治三十四年(1901),入贅黃家,與黃纘緒長女黃金簪 (1878-)成婚,雙方約定以三年為期,期滿恢復本姓。  碧榕幼聰慧,喜讀書,其詩詞文章獲父輩讚賞,為岳父黃纘緒器 重。曾於明治三十一年(1898)起陸續從事地方事務,如庄長事務所書 記、保正、協議會會員、方面委員、保護會評議員等,另一方面他也曾教授漢學,加入臺灣文社、仰山吟社,並經營米穀、改良糖廓、柑 橘、阿片、炭礦,在宜蘭地區政治、經濟及社會等方面發展順連碧榕虔誠信仰道教,涉獵卜卦、堪輿,常扶乩問神,曾受聖神 降乩指示,往東部開墾,但經過兩、三年,因交通不便,延遲未動身, 神又催示。碧榕與宜蘭郡警察課長古賀彌太郎、花蓮港廳長江口良三 郎及玉里支廳長松尾溫爾為好友,剛好有一次古賀彌太郎和妻子到花 蓮拜訪其妻舅江口三郎,江口向古賀問起連碧榕近況,古賀告訴他連 碧榕最近炭礦、金礦投資都失敗,江口告訴古賀,必叫連碧榕來他管 下的花蓮,這裡金礦很多,且未開發,任他隨意開發。 

古賀遂告訴連碧榕,催促他趕快去花蓮,連碧榕到花蓮後,和江口見面,江口說松尾溫爾在玉里做支廳長,可以坐火車去玉里看看他。到玉里後,松尾告訴連碧榕說,玉里原始林地很肥為,很適合土地開 發,帶著碧榕到處視察。碧榕一到長良後,感覺曾來過數次,甚至在 坐船來花蓮旅途睡夢中,夢見以後蓋「新厝」的地點,並有一白鬚老 人告知在此處建屋居之。回宜蘭後,聖神又示,要碧榕去花蓮收買長 良的土地,現在正適合。 

長良一帶原野雖從明治四十二年(1909)劃為官營移民預定地,但後來未實行,大正十年(1921)日人倉光格向總督府申請開發,時限三 年,但水土不服,蕃人下山搶殺,開墾非常不順利,又展延三年,連碧榕也於同時加入了倉光格的長良開墾事業,初時碧榕只有 7.34 甲 的土地,後來倉光格病欲臨終,無意繼續經營,委由好友坂本茂處理, 坂本請連碧榕繼續經營,遂於昭和三年(1928)將所有土地轉移給連碧榕設立的「東臺振業合資會社」,長良的開墾正式由連碧榕經營,由 長子連文璞以日本新村建設之規劃,以棋盤式道路規劃長良村聚落的空間,田地贌給佃農種稻,後續也發展種植煙草、樹薯,成立澱粉工廠。碧榕除了長良的事業外,也在花蓮三棧、臺東探金,並在宜蘭仍有產業,時常往返長良與宜蘭,開墾事務由其妻黃金簪及長子連文璞、 二子連文琬處理,黃金簪處理家務獨當一面,在連家也扮演了核心角色。

連碧榕虔誠信仰關聖帝君、呂仙祖等神明,家裡奉祀許多神像, 在家中潛心誦經、印製善書格言,並且開墾長良任何行止,均向神明 扶乩請示、求神筊示,或占卦卜吉凶,如大正十五年(1926)前往三棧 溪探金,以占卦指示路線;民國三十五年(1946)二子文琬欲收買臺灣 拓殖會社在長良的產業,碧榕卜卦凶,文琬遂未再考慮收購。而家族 內成員患病,亦均求神示藥。

碧榕為了清修,家族事業逐漸交由長子連文璞、次子連文琬經營並將事業發展方向拓及木材事業,由三子連文琠經營。  戰後,政府收購大戶餘糧,施行三七五減租、耕者有其田等政策, 連家逐漸將資金和土地資本轉為製糖、定置漁場和其他企業資本。 建築特色昭和四年(1929)連碧榕在長良村東南角建立連家古厝(舊厝),昭 和九年(1934)五年後,碧榕為了清修,於村莊西南邊山腳下建立「新 厝」。新厝建好之後,連家的家族成員大多搬進新厝居住,古厝則成為連碧榕二子連文琬居住、會社事務的辦公室以及長良村的聚集中心。 

連家古厝坐西北朝東南,被靠楓山,面對秀姑巒溪,風水相當不 錯。主體為一正身帶左右護龍的三合院,面寬七開間,前有內外埕、半月池及附屬建築(浴室、倉庫等)。

建築為開墾初期所蓋,建材使用在地材料,如樟木、茅草,受日式建築影響,使用閩南、日式及西式的混和式建築棟架、日式編竹夾泥牆、日式屋瓦及雨淋板。正廳為神明廳,兩側間為二子連文琬房間, 右護龍為會社事務室,左護龍為儲藏室、工人房間。正廳為傳統閩南式空間形式與裝修,隔間牆為木板牆,擺設神桌及椅子,並有燈樑;正廳側間採用日式裝修,地坪為抬高木地板上鋪榻榻米、日式門窗。內外埕為三合土,每年兩季(7、12 月)稻子收成 後曬穀之用。


(1). 張蓉峻,〈台灣東部移墾的家族個案考察—以玉里長良連氏家族為例〉,花蓮:國 立花蓮師範學院鄉土文化研究所碩士論文,2003。 

(2). 花蓮縣文化局委託、國立臺灣科技大學執行,《花蓮縣歷史建築長良連家古厝修復與再利用計畫》,花蓮:花蓮縣文化局,2015。

參訪合影 (Photo for the visit and the site):
長良連家古厝有著閩漢古厝的三合院平面配置, 但建築工法建材則反應日本時代的和洋風格造屋。 The entire layout of Lien's Historic Farmhouse is essentially a Han style courtyard house with central row at its back and two wings connected to the central row. But look it closely at the materials and craftsman, it is the timber house in the style of mixed Japanese and European. This is a rare combination as mostly country houses in the Western Half of Taiwan built in Japanese Formosa were made with red brick and terrazzo with features from Han, Japanese and European.

▲連洪德先生跟臺灣老家族一行參訪介紹連家古厝的選址與村落。 Lien Hongder, the current owner and the host of the Lien's historic farmhouse, gave a briefing about how this farmhouse was laid and formed and how their family came to this place.
連洪德先生介紹連家古厝的文化資產身分的文化局立碑。The stone tablet erected at the entrance to the Lien's historic farmhouse for the locally listed historic site status.

▲連洪德先生跟臺灣老家族一行參訪介紹連家古厝的選址與村落。 Mr. Lien Hongder, the host of the Lien's historic farmouse, came to receive guest visit from Taiwan Old Family.
Dr. Liu of Taiwan Old Family has a photo together with Lien Hongder and his son who holds a portrait of the ancestor who had obtained a governmental role in the 19th century.

長良連家古厝連洪德先生跟臺灣老家族在祖先公廳內講解連家的發展脈絡。Lien Hongder invites the members of Taiwan Old Family into the central hall, the ancestor hall, to share the family's past as well as common histories of the families in Taiwan Old Family.

長良連家古厝連洪德先生父子跟臺灣老家族在祖先公廳前合影。 Taiwan Old Family members have a group photo with Lien Hongder and his son right in front of the ancestor hall of Lien's Historic Farmhouse.

長良連家古厝連洪德先生在臺灣老家族3/8到訪前三天從封塵數十年的日本時代櫃子中發先祖父年代的古老書本。 LienHongder just rediscovered the old manual scripts and early prints of Han Chinese books from his grandfather's lifetime, around late 19th to early 20th century, three days before Taiwan Old Family makes a visit on 8th March, 2021. He is very pleased to show those might overlap the books read and interested by ancestors of Taiwan Old Family's grand parents' lifetime too.
長良連家古厝連洪德先生在臺灣老家族3/8到訪前三天從封塵數十年的日本時代櫃子中發先祖父年代的古老書本, 書本約是清末到民國初期的漢冊天文地理, 劉會長說明或許讓中研院來進行數位掃描來收藏罕見的19世紀初的漢冊古文書。 The old printed books what Lien Hongder rediscovered from his grandfather's treasure trove shelf share a diverse range of topics, from ancient knowledge of Chinese mythology to Geomancy, printed in the turning point of modern China. Obviously at the time of his grandfather during Japanese Formosa, he had a great interest reading books from Han Chinese culture. Dr. Liu offers a contact to Lien for having to digitize by Academia Sinica for a wider reading audience in the future.

連洪德先生在長良連家古厝與古厝全景合影。 Taiwan Old Family walks up to the higher terrain and has a best photograph to get a panoramic view for the entire historic house and the pond.

長良連家古厝登錄為歷史建築, 理由為「已有七十多年的歷史,且後代細心加以保存,原有木造格局、樑柱尚稱完整,為ㄇ字形建築七間起的大型鄉村」。 Lien's 1930's built timber farmhouse is given a listed status of local historic building in 2004 for its conservation of timber structure and Han Chinese courtyard house layout and conservation by the owners for seven decades. 

長良連家古厝正廳內的木結構為日式洋屋, 但接近漢式穿斗樑樣貌。 Although the timber structure at Lien's Historic farmhouse is visibly a western structure, the way of laying the wall structure is still closer to how early Han Chinese structure was deployed to support the roof in the typical Han style house.

長良連家古厝的屋頂收尾的支撐結構為日式建築。 The Japanese shingle and timber beam support at the roof top at Lien's Historic Farmhouse.
長良連家的連文瑰之前 1948 年在東京醫科大學就讀, 2004年的同窗會紀念杯。The plaque of reunion of dentist study in 1948's Tokyo University of Dentistry of Lien's father is still kept well by the family.

長良連家古厝的最佳取景角度為半月池旁的小丘, 圍繞在三百年的樟樹林中。 The best location to get a glimpse for the entire Lien's historic house s through the mount behind the lotus pond where it was the woodland of 3 centuries old Taiwanese Cypress trees.

▲聯社台灣老家族登上長良古厝前的小丘與長良連家古厝一起入鏡。 Taiwan Old Family walking on the raised terrain above the lotus pond to get a better glimpse of the countryside and the house.

長良連家古厝連洪德先生說明當填開墾祖厝時的原基地是一片三百多年的樟木林, 這樟樹在半月池一旁, 頗具悠久的歷史, 台北洪家的洪惠文小姐在樟樹旁當參考可看出樟樹約有3-4位人的寬度。 Lien's settlement at Taitung came early in 1920s and this area in Changliang village is finally where Liens came to settle. Prior to their cottage was laid, the area was a still woodland of Cypress trees. Katy Hung walked closer to one of the old cypress trees to mark how scale of the tree would have grown.

長良連家古厝所正對面的三百年樟樹林與花東縱谷的海岸山脈山景。 The scenic view of the soaring mountain and centuries old cypress woodland comes straight out of the Lien's farmhouse.

長良連家古厝約在昭和 4 年(1929)時興建完成。古厝大門外的而長良村則可能在古厝興建完成之後才著手規劃,並且逐漸形成今天長良村之範圍。 The Changliang village with just one street was built along with the Lien's historic house through the gate during the settlement year. The villagers were part of the workforce for the rice business.

▲拜訪長良連家古厝正值三月初, 長良村台東的稻苗剛好插秧完的階段。  The rice paddies of the Lien's. At the time Taiwan Old Family pays a visit in early March it is just to see the green carpet of rice starts to grow. 

▲拜訪長良連家古厝位在稻田另一面的木屋暫時的祖先廳。 Taiwan Old Family is brought to visit the cottage at the other side through the Lien's rice paddy and the place Lien's ancestral altar will be eventually housed. The old timber cottage is temporal seat before a grand house is to be completed within months.

▲聯社-台灣老家族拜訪長良連家古厝位在稻田另一面的木屋暫時的祖先廳並給聯家立代祖先上香。 Taiwan Old Fmily tributes to the ancestors of Lien's.

▲聯社-台灣老家族拜訪長良連家古厝位在稻田另一面的木屋暫時的祖先廳並給聯家立代祖先上香。 Taiwan Old Family tributes to the ancestors of Lien's.
聯社-台灣老家族拜訪長良連家古厝位在稻田另一面的未來祖先廳。 The hall with a yellow shingle roof across the rice paddy is where the ultimate seat for Lien's Ancestral Shrine which is due to complete in months.

長良連家古厝即將落成的祖祠, 反映出一點日式建築的風貌 , 位在稻田另一面的木屋暫時的祖先廳正前方。 The future hall of Lien ancestor alter bears a style of a Japanese house with a central porch.

長良連家古厝外稻田上正逢芒果樹開花的季節。 Mango tree blossom in March days of Taitung and it is also a testimony of Lien's historic farmhouse is located.

宜灣基督長老教會堂 (Yiwan Presbyterian Church)

地址 (Address): 台東縣成功鎮宜灣路 10 鄰 108 號 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit)
教堂為加強磚造,仿歐洲小教堂樣式,外形方形尖塔、圓形拱門,拱門上有:「臺灣基督長老教宜灣教會,SAANIWAN CIWLOE KIWKAY」等字樣,外牆飾以白色浮雕花紋。因為式根據聖誕卡片上得圖樣來設計,也稱「卡片教堂」。

參訪合影 (Photos at the site and the visit): 

劉啟群會長與李春生後代李福然在宜灣長老教會前合影, 李春生為北台灣所建立的長老教會的後續推手。 Dr. Liu Chicheun and Holian Li in front of the Yiwan Presbyterian Church. Holian Li a direct descendant of Li Chuenshen whose was an advocate and key founders for many of Presbyterian Churches in the northern Taiwan in the late 19th century. This Scottish originated Presbyterian church came to Taitung around 1950s.

宜灣長老教會的立面薄如紙片, 因此有卡片教堂的外號。 The portal's facade of Yiwan church is postcard thin and this is a nickname for this church.

宜灣長老教會前直接面對太平洋, 前有一椰子樹林, 宜灣為花蓮一處重要的原民部落。 Yiwan Presbyterian Church is located along the coastal line right facing the Pacific ocean and the splendid green of coconut trees provides a resort theme for the local community which was formed by indigenous group of Yiwan tribe.

第三站: 歷史建築-成廣澳文化地景(廣恆發商號溫家古厝) (Guanghenfa Merchant House, Listed Heritage)

地址 (Address): 臺東縣成功鎮成廣路 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit)

成功鎮成廣澳的天然港灣,是早年花東地區對外交通和貿易的樞紐,有清一代更成為漢人入墾東海岸的重要據點。屏東縣內埔客籍人 士溫泰坤(1861-1947)於 1910 年代時在此興建「廣恆發」商號,是 東海岸第一家大店舖,洋樓式街屋建築也是首屆一指。廣恆發的左側, 就是溫家宅院。 
1932 年新港與港竣工啟用,逐漸取代了成廣澳港的功能,該地 區的政經中心也由成廣澳轉移到新港。成廣澳逐漸沒落,溫家後代陸 續往外發展,子孫也陸續他遷,廣恆發商號與溫家宅院逐漸荒廢,甚至湮沒在荒煙漫草之間。

廣恆發商號在 1990 年代(民國 80 年代)初期,僅存洋樓拱門和仿歐洲巴洛克式立面。1996 年(民國 85 年)省道臺 11 線拓寬時,北側立 面遭到破壞,目前僅存約 6.2 公尺的斷垣殘壁,其鋼筋混泥土結構清 晰裸露。左側溫家宅院已成古厝,不復溫宅當年氣派。無論如何,廣 恆發商號及溫家古厝的建築遺跡,仍在默默的述說東海岸的開發史。 以上文字資料來源: 


https://nchdb.boch.gov.tw/embed/assets/overview/historicalBuilding/20 041216000007

參訪合影 (Photos for the site and groups):
廣恆發商號在 1990 年代僅存洋樓拱門廊道和仿歐洲巴洛克式的歷史主義建築立面。The row of the ruined Guanhengfa shophouse with European facade built since 1910's was a reminder of the once prospered market place at the marina at Hsiaogang before a new marina was built in 1932.

廣恆發商號在 1990 年代僅存洋樓拱門和仿巴洛克式立面目前列入文化地景。 The ruined Guanghenfa shophouse and the merchant house became a listed cultural landscape by the local cultural authority. The current ruined site is the status of the site in 1990.

陳嘉信(前聯合報台東特派記者)於廣恆發商號的歷史解說牆面前解釋台東的世紀之前的最大購物中心。 Chen Jiahsin, the former reporter of United Daily news of Taitung, gave an account how this site was formed a century ago as once the largest shopping mall in the Taitung area.

廣恆發商號遺柱的細緻的日本時代抿石子工法。 Fine terrazzo surface made in Japanese Formosa period witnessed the level of craftsmanship for the formerly the largest retail shop in Eastern Taiwan.

廣恆發商號文化地景裡鑲在步道上的19世紀臺灣後山總圖裡標柱的"成廣澳與米局"的標示當年的重要地標意義。 A late 19th century map for the Taitung coastal area engraved on the road pavement on the site of historic Guanhenfa cultural landscape and it reveals a rice production center of the region.
聯社台灣老家族在廣恆發商號前的合影, 可以一瞰建築遺跡範圍當年的規模, 如當代一座購物中心。 Taiwan Old Family members gather in front of the shop ornate ruined and still with ruined at the far end of the group and it reveals how the grand scale of the retail space complex used to be in the early 1910s.

▲台東廣恆發商號旁保留當年上岸的小港漁港港埠. The Hsiaogang marina of Taitungand it is no longer in use for nearly 90 years and this is the backdrop of the ruined Guanhenfa merchant house.

第四站: 成廣澳天后宮(小港天后宮) (Cheng Guan Ao Marina Matsu Temple)

地址 (Address ): 臺東縣成功鎮成廣路 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit)
成廣澳天后宮又稱為小港天后宮,臺灣後山地區最早設立的媽祖 廟,於同治 10 年(1871),福建籍的劉進來,由彰化鹿港指派到後山 擔任「通事」一職。而他當時所管轄區域約在目前成功鎮至長濱鄉樟原村之間。在派任前夕,劉進來認為,因為到任之路的路途艱辛,必須橫越中央山脈,加上當時後山被列為蠻荒未開發的區城,因此劉進 來出發前,特地前往鹿港天后宮請媽祖隨身護行。 

劉進來沿著總兵吳光亮所開鑿之中路,自南投埔里出發,翻越中央山脈後,來到花蓮的玉里,再經由安通行成廣澳道路翻越海岸山脈來到臺東的南竹湖部落。之後劉進來再將從鹿港請來的媽祖神像暫時 安置在南竹湖。然而,當媽祖安置後,卻遭到當地原住民阿美族人的 抗議,認為供奉媽祖與阿美族人的信仰有所衝突,要求將媽祖請出部落外。劉進來左右兩難,這時,所幸一位平埔族婦女陳珠主動出面協 助雙方調解,並向阿美族人表示,媽祖像的威力僅在神像周圍的區城, 並已用石頭鎮壓,才化解此次的衝突。 

而協助調解雙方糾紛的平埔族人陳珠,也在這次事件後,成為劉進來的妻室。並於婚後隨劉進來遷至位在成廣澳的官舍,安置在南竹 湖的媽祖也移到成廣澳街道後方的稻田上,之後又再遷至今成廣澳天 后宮的現址興建廟宇。

日治時期實行皇民化政策,採取廢廟的政策,導致許多神像被移到海邊燒毀,成廣澳天后宮內的媽祖原先也差點被搬到海邊燒毀。然 而,當地信眾為保護媽祖,媽祖金身被當時創立「廣恆發商號」的溫 泰坤長子溫鼎貴,輾轉將金身護送至基隆海邊洞內暫避藏匿,直至台 灣光復後,溫鼎貴再將金身迎回後山。神像離開後的成廣澳天后宮,日本人將其進行改建,包括拆除屋 頂、開鑿後窗、後門等以及修飾前門,改造成一間民眾聚會所,以利 於直接在廟裡宣導政令或召開會議。相傳溫鼎貴在台灣光復後,欲將媽祖金身從基隆海邊洞內迎請回時,卻因洞裡藏匿的神像太多,而分不出哪一尊是真正的成廣澳媽祖 金身。就在溫鼎貴懊惱返家後,當晚媽祖便托夢表示臉頰黑痣的即是 成廣澳媽祖正身,於是隔天溫鼎貴再次來到洞裡仔細辨認,恰好一隻 蒼蠅就停在某尊媽祖臉上,立刻想起了夢境中提示,經擲筊請示無誤 才能順利請回媽祖金身。民國三十八年(西元 1949 年),天后宮慘遭祝融,信徒募資重修, 民國四十二年竣工修建成朱瓦燕尾的鋼筋混凝土式建築,但由於請不 到西部師傅來繪製樑上圖案,因此雇用成功鎮基翬一帶八名平埔族原住民彩繪施工,是原住民參與廟宇建築的創舉,上述文字資料來源: 臺灣大百科全書, 網址:http://nrch.culture.tw/twpedia.aspx?id=24564

參訪合影 (Photo for the site and the group):

成廣澳天后宮正對面漁港旁, 目前一旁的廣恆發海鮮餐廳為天后宮的廟方家族所開設。
The first private Matsu temple in Taitung is dated back to 1871 and still owned by the family who also runs a seafood restaurant next door.

Cheng Guan Ao Matsu temple is right facing the road and marina bay, Hsiaogang Marina

Taiwan Old Family members, led by Dr Liu, is giving a worship to the first private Matsu temple in Taitung.
Taiwan Old Family members, led by Dr Liu, is giving a worship to the first privately owned Matsu temple in Taitung.
Taiwan Old Family members, led by Dr Liu, is giving a worship to the first privately owned Matsu temple in Taitung.

聯社台灣老家族台東在地代表蔡東澄解釋成廣澳天后宮重要史蹟與媽祖文物。 Tsai Doncheng(Taitung Tsai) is giving an introduction of the history and artifacts for this earliest private Matsu temple in Taitung County.

成廣澳天后宮內的斗拱與瓜筒樑飾 The intriguing and unusual timber beam support of this temple in the Eastern Taiwan.

成廣澳天后宮內屋頂結構簡易, 旦支撐的是清末時的糯米牆
。  This piece of wall is heard the only Glutinous rice wall of the earliest building material.

成廣澳天后宮內的媽祖神像群為東台灣最早。 The figurine statue on altar of the Cheng Guan Ao Matsu temple are heard be the oldest of its kind in Eastern Taiwan.

成廣澳天后宮山門上沒有抱鼓石與石獅, 罕見的漢式廟宇門面。 It is rather unusual to see a Matsu temple's entrance without a pair of stone carved drums or lions.

成廣澳天后宮內 燈座後的牆面為清代的糯米牆具有超過120年的原建材歷史式廟方認為除了媽祖廟神像最久之外也是東台灣少數最早的糯米牆施作見證。 This side of the wall is made through glutinous rice in the late 19th century, according to the owners of the Matsu temple. It is perhaps the only piece of wall made with such material in the Eastern Taiwan.

聯社台灣老家族一行人於成廣澳天后宮與廣恆發海鮮餐廳與天后宮管理人的合影。 Taiwan Old Family is having a group photo with the owners of the first privately owned Matsu Temple in Taitung.

第五站: 成功鎮午餐-阿亮餐廳 (A-liang Seafood Restaurant)
地址 (Address) : 臺東縣成功鎮芝田路 186-7 號 (Google Map Lookup)

參訪合影 (Photos at the dinning place):
第二天中餐在漁港附近的阿亮海產店用餐。 Second day tour lunch in Hualien and Taitung is taking place at a seafood restaurant near the Hsiaogang marina facng the Pacific ocean.

阿亮海產店的招牌餐點為海豬腳。 The key selling dish for the seafood restaurant and even local is so called the seafood pig leg which is developed from tuna's thick belly.

阿亮海產店的招牌餐點為海豬腳由旗魚肚創作而來。 The
seafood pig leg, a key selling dish at the seafood restaurant, is developed from tuna's thick belly and it has a resemblance of typical pork leg for the taste and look.

Fish destines is another key selling dish for this seafood restaurant.

台東當地的水果鳳梨釋迦。 The fruit along with the table dish in the seafood restaurant, the Pineapple Sugar Apple, a local invention from Taitung.

台東當地的水果鳳梨釋迦於店家外有販售。 A booth vendor outside the Seafood restaurant is also the locally invented tropical fruit, the fruit which combines the taste of pineapple and sugar apple. The sugar apple fruit has an interesting descriptive name in Mandarin that it looks like a Budha's head.

聯社台灣老家族一行人在阿亮海產店前合影。 Taiwan Old Family's group photo with the chef of the seafood restaurant in Taitung.
阿亮海產店老闆吳亮儀解釋成功漁港的兩座人頭側像-頭目山(上)與 三仙台(手機內)
The owner of the seafood restaurant shows two distinctive attractions near his seafood restaurant, the mountain of a Chief (photo framed above) and islands of Shansiantai, three fairy island. (inside his photo screen). Both resemble a profile of a human face.
台東的頭目山(台東觀光局)。  A human face's profile seen from the distant mountains and locals have it called the Mountain Chieftain. (Photo from Taitung Tourist Bureau.)

第六站: 水往上流遊憩區 (River flowing upward Park at Expressway of Taitung)
地址 (Address) : 台東縣東河鄉都蘭村 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit)
此奇觀是因溝渠旁道路是下坡路,但溝渠本身卻並非是下坡,而是坡度很小的上坡,因此當站在低處時放眼望去,就像是溝渠中的水沿著下坡道路往上流,令人覺得不可思議。  (資料來源: 台東縣觀光局)

參訪合影 (Photos for the site and the group):
▲從地景的高低落差看水流的方向似乎往高處攀爬。The illusion of water flowing upward is seen at a wee ditch near the rest area of a Taitung expressway.

水往高處流的地景在斜坡上與小水道可創造出地勢向下的錯覺。 The ditch is sitting on a gentle rising terrain which makes everyone feel standing at a perfectly horizontal ground and this creates an illusion for that ditch carrying water upward.

水往高處流來自成語中。 A stone showing this odd scene is erected at the attraction site to explain why water flowing upward is in contrary to nature.

▲觀光局解說牌解釋視覺錯置水往上流的原裡。 The story of how the odd scene of water flowing upward is created at the current landscape.

第七站: 卑南文化月形石柱 (Peinan Moon Megalithic Blade)
地址 (Address): 台東縣東河鄉都蘭村 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit)

參訪合影 (Photo for the site and the group visit):
▲因近年新台東火車站的興建而遷移的卑南文化月型石與景觀公園。The Peinan Megalithic Park is a recent year relocation due to the planned construction of a new Taitung Train Station near the original moon shape stone used to stand, the area of the sacred space of Peinan culture.

卑南文化月型石的指向為遠方的都蘭山山峰。 The Peinan moon shape megalithic blade is showing its directionality toward the peak of Mount Dulan which sits at the far end inside the photo.

▲臺灣老家族聆聽陳嘉信(前聯合報台東特派記者)對台東卑南月型石的解說。Chen Jiahsin, the former United Daily report at Taitung, gives an orientation of the Peinan megalithic park and its story to Taiwan Old Family members.

▲台灣老家族台北洪家的洪惠文來過卑南月型石碑過, 但上次並沒有火車站的背景, 卑南月型石碑遠處指往都蘭山, 都蘭山旁的高塔即是台東新火車站。 Katy Hung from Taipei's Hung family, comes to visit this prehistoric site second time but what stood behind her wasn't any train station in the last visit. 

▲聯社台灣老家族於卑南月型石碑前留影。  Taiwan Od Family members gathers right in front of the prehistoric megalithic park near the New Taitung Train Station.

第八站: 歷史建築-臺東中華會館 (Former Chinese Guild House in Formosa Taitung, Listed Heritage)
地址 (Address): 台東縣台東市中正路143號 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit)

當年此館因華僑以人頭方式購地,地主死亡而無人繼承下,1990年臺東縣政府依《土地法》造冊列管。逾15年列管期限後的2015年,臺東縣政府地政處以此會館土地是私有地無人繼承,移撥財政部國有財產署,由國產署臺東辦事處負責拍賣。拍賣事被縣府及國產署員工及時發現,流程暫停。劉洋孫子民主進步黨立法委員劉櫂豪聽聞會館差點被賣,表示這是華僑抗日的最後指標、也是祖父以往工作之所,對自己、對臺灣都意義十足,相關單位應要設法留下。2016年6月7日,臺東縣政府表示,就算此土地標售,所有權人依《文化資產保存法》不能夠變更或拆除地上的歷史建築;縣府計畫提供補償金方式取得土地,一併把此館和土地都轉成公有財產以保存。(資料來源: Wiki Common)

參訪合影 (Photo for the site and the group visit):

▲位在台東市區的罕見仿歐洲巴洛克建築立面的近百年老屋, 曾是中華民國位在臺灣的的領事業務館, 見證台東的港口與東南亞貿易的重要地位。 The only surviving former Chinese Guild house and Consulate of pre-World War II Republic of China at Taiwan is seen at Taitung. The rich historic facade witnesses the significance of Taitung in the South East Asia trade and commerce.

▲宜蘭文史專家楊晉平老師解說這會館建築與歷史。 Yilan historian Yang Jinpin explored a history and building of how this Chinese guide house was to built and stand at this site right at the stone tablet erected to honour the historic significance.
▲台東的中華會館前在1986年所立的會館史蹟解說牌, 說明19世紀初台東見證東亞權力與政治版圖的彼此競爭的地位。 The stone tablet reviewing the history of the Chinese Guild House in Taitung was erected in 1986 when this site was formally became a listed building based on the merit of how geopolitical transformation in East Asia ever happened to Taitung and neighboring world superpowers.
▲台東中華會館的豐富表情立面, 窗眉有梅花, 建築山牆有中國國民黨黨徽。 The gable wall at the facade is featured in the hey day flowers of Plum and the emblem of Chinese Nationalist Party.

▲台灣老家族一齊見證全台僅存的在台中華會館建築-台東中華會館。 Taiwan Old Family has all gathered to witness the only surviving testimony Chinese Guild House standing in Taiwan right at Taitung.

第九站: 歷史建築-臺東天后宮 (Taitung Matsu Temple, Listed Heritage)

地址 (Address): 台東縣臺東市中華路一段 222 號 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit)

臺東舊稱「寶桑」或「埤南」,日治時期稱「卑南」,早先居住的 只有阿美、卑南、排灣、魯凱等原住民,及陸續遷移來的平埔族。1874 年(清同治 13 年)發生牡丹社事件後,沈葆禎進行開山撫番,南路由同知袁文柝與總兵張兆連(張其光)負責,開通赤山至埤南之路。 1875 年(光緒元年)設埤南廳,1879 年袁文柝設埤南廳署,1884 年 提督張兆連率鎮海後軍移駐埤南。1887 年臺灣建省,劉銘傳奏設的 臺東直隸州,州署設於水尾(今瑞穗),行政區域包括花、東兩地。 1888 年 6 月,發生「大庄事件」;7 月,禍延埤南,起事民眾燒毀埤 南廳署,圍攻張統領的鎮海後軍。暴民數量多出官兵數倍,鎮海後軍 被圍半月,被圍的清兵水源被斷,乃掘井求生,當時官兵祈求媽祖、觀音保佑,沒想到真的冒出泉水來,讓官兵順利抵擋攻擊。半個月後, 援軍抵達,暴民退去。

1889 年提督張兆連等人為感恩媽祖、觀音靈顯相助,率先捐出 養廉銀倡議建廟,也在挖出泉水的地方設立「靈泉井」石碑。天后宮 於次年春動工,1891 年完成,有埤南天后宮碑碣(現嵌於兩廊壁堵 間)。光緒皇帝並賜「靈昭誠佑」御匾一方,是臺東清代唯一的官廟。

天后宮原設於現臺東市和平街之東禪寺,日治時期 1930 年(紹 和 5 年)因地震引起龜裂,決定遷建。由善士吳錦麟捐出現址,林舍、 賴金木、陳冬路等士紳發起募捐,1930 年 11 月動工,1933 年 6 月完 成。戰後於 1945 年(民國 34 年)重予整修,1948 年 3 月竣工。歷經 1974 年重修,1981 年興建牌樓,康樂臺,鐘鼓樓等,乃成今日面 貌。 

天后宮建築為鋼筋混凝土結構,兩殿兩廊兩護室,護室前作鐘鼓樓,兩殿為閩南式硬山燕尾,屋頂正脊、脊堵、排頭等,均裝飾有剪 黏龍鳳、花鳥、戲曲人物等,為汕頭名匠何金龍作品。左右護室建築均為硬山馬背,左護室為崇德廳,供奉觀音。右護室為昭忠祠,昭忠 祠原在埤南寶桑莊之東海濱,為 1881 年(光緒 7 年)同知袁文柝所 建,1893 年 8 月遭颱風吹倒,暫移祠中神主於天后宮之旁,並錄其 官銜、姓名於冊。




https://nchdb.boch.gov.tw/embed/assets/overview/historicalBuilding/20 031231000003 


參訪合影 (Photos for the site and group visit):
▲ 台東天后宮於1981 年興建牌樓,康樂臺,鐘鼓樓之今日面貌。 Taitung Matsu Temple's imposing Arch Gate, Theatre Pavilion and Drum Pavilion were all up and remodeled in 1981 as the latest development since its history built from 1891 in the heart of Taitung city center.
▲聯社-台灣老家族於台東天后宮參拜。  Taiwan Old Family tributes to the only royal chartered Matsu temple in the Eastern Taiwan by the Manchu Chin emperor. 
▲ 近年再度重修台東天后宮的目前拜殿與中庭。 The Taitung's Royal Chartered Matsu Temple underwent another facelift in recent years and it shares an imposing courtyard and central praying court with fine and elaborate craftsman contributed by the pilgrimages in the Eastern Taiwan.
▲聯社台灣老家族劉會長, 台東在地的蔡東澄偕同老家族一行人一起跟媽祖上香。 Dr. Liu and sai Dongcheng of Taiwan Old Family led the whole members to tribute to the Maritime God Matsu at this Royal Chartered Temple since 1891.
1889 年提督張兆連等人挖出泉水的地方設立「靈泉井」石碑, 目前立於台南天后宮內, 為殿內最具歷史的文物。 Tsai Dongcheng, Taiwan Old Family's Taitung local intelligence, explained how this Matsu temple was first established through the discovery of spring water with the erection of the stone on the original site. The stone is the oldest testimony of this sacred place in this temple.
▲蔡東澄解釋台東天后宮起源「靈泉井」(洪惠文提供)。 The stone engraved with Han characters resembling the spiritual spring well is what the Matsu temple initially started. Photo credit: Katy Huiwen Hung.

▲台東天后宮內展示的「靈泉井」石碑 , 1991年臺灣銀行因興建倉庫需要因而遷移石碑, 因施工不當造成石碑面受損, 2014列為古物的文化資產身分。 The stone of spiritual spring well has been in some minor damage due to the relocation from its original site which was part of the proposed construction of warehouse of Taiwan Bank. The stone is now a listed treasure of the Taitung county.

天后宮 於1890年春動工,1891 年完成,有埤南天后宮碑碣(現嵌於兩廊壁堵間)。此古碑文為清光緒年間捐建埤南天后宮之捐者芳錄。
The stone tablet showing 1891's Manchu Chin China Emperor ordered to build a chartered Mazu Temple with various donations from notable Chinese settlers at this far-off new world not even taken by Chin China before 1874 Mudan incident.

▲台東天后宮廟方管理委員會董事長林有德跟臺灣老家族劉氏宗親劉會長與劉進興秘書長闡述廟方目前有土地遭攤商占用的問題。  Dr. Liu and Secretary Liu Jinhsin of Taiwan Old Family meet with the current board director of Taitung Matsu Temple to share experience of how to tackle with street vendors' who have occupied part of the lands belong to the Matsu Temple.

▲ 台東天后宮山門內藻井下的第一個牌匾「恩德齊天」,  大溪李騰芳李家後代, 目前於花蓮縣文化局服務的李林進旺發現這牌匾設計極具宜蘭的木雕裝飾風格。 According to Li Lin Jinwan, our Taiwan Old Family Hualien local intelligence, that the gilded plaque above bears a similar design for the chartered plaque in Yilan.

▲ 蔡東澄特別說明跟李林進旺搶救近年因重修建石遭施工單位遺棄的台東天后宮牌匾搶救回來的經過,  豐富了台東天后宮的文物與歷史。 Tsai Dongchen, our Taitung local Taiwan Old Family contact, explained how he and Li Lin Jinwan from Hualien came to rescue the historical wooden plaques above being neglected by the demolition team during the make over of the temple

▲ 聯社台灣老家族一行人與台東天后宮董事長林有德的合照。  Taiwan Old Family member lined up to take a group photo with the board director from the Taitung Mazu Temple.
▲ 台東天后宮山門前的石龍柱下的蟹與蝦等海洋生物浮雕設置於最柱底層, 用意在於防水災的寓意手筆。   Crabs and other sea creatures carved at the base of a stone pillar as a metaphor to ward off a potential floodings.

▲台東天后宮山門前的一對石獅雕像為最早期天后宮所保留至近年重修見的天后宮廟體, 顯得相當具歷史意義。
Two stone lions above the stone base are still the original ones before the recent temple new make-over

第十站: 懷念綠豆冰 & 台東阿賓羊肉爐海鮮快炒 (Fine Dinning Places in Taitung City)

地址 (Address) :
阿賓羊肉爐海鮮快炒:  台東縣台東市中正路 302 號
台東幸福綠豆冰: 台東縣台東市中正路164號
參訪合影 (Photos for the site and group):

▲台東市內的古早味, 幸福綠豆湯, 創立於1964年。 The vintage shop of sweet mung bean soup of Taitung is established in 1964.
▲台東市區幸福綠豆湯店面融入早年推車的樣貌。 The sweet mung bean soup was sold with a trolley cart in the old days as many of the street vendors, a reproduction scene in its own storefront.
▲台灣老家族一齊回到1970年代的推車攤上彷彿大家都回到童年的記憶空間。 Taiwan Old Family members enjoy a feast of the 1970's street foods trolley cart table, a thrown back in child time memory.
台東市區幸福綠豆湯展示滿滿後山人的味蕾記憶並提供雙語解釋牌。 The Taitung's 1964 sweet mung bean soup store has a remarkable store front design to unfold its long history even with its own English story told to non Chinese customers.
台東市區幸福綠豆湯早年裝盛綠豆湯的錫筒, 價格當年為一碗一元。  The vintage tin-container for sweet mung bean soup with its price tag just just one NTD per bowl serving. 
台灣老家族在台東市區快超過一甲子的幸福綠豆湯。 Taiwan Old Family members enjoy a taste of proud local dessert over 6 decades.
台東市區幸福綠豆湯。  The sweet mung bean soup at Taitung.

▲阿賓羊肉爐, 為蔡東澄宴請臺灣老家族在後山饗受美食佳宴的餐廳。 Taiwan Old Family's second day tour dinner is treated at Ah Bin Goat Steam pot with the treat from Tsai Dongcheng, our Taiwan Local Intelligence.

▲台東文史工作者與文資審議的陳姜祝山老師來跟臺灣老家族成員聚餐。Taitung's local historian Chen Jiang Jushan came to join the table of the gathering at Ah-Bin Goat steampot.

▲花蓮富里邱家古厝的邱美貞女士也前來跟臺灣老家族, 台東當地的文史工作的老師們聚餐。 Lady Chiu from Chiu's Historic Mansion and meet with Taitung's local historians with Taiwan Old Family at Ah-Bin Goat Steam Pot restaurant in Taitung.

花蓮富里邱家古厝的邱美貞母女與陳清正校長前來台東一齊聚會。 Ladies from Chiu's Historic Mansion in Fuli of Hualien meet with Taitung local historian and former principal and Holo language advocate Chen Chinjen.
▲台東文史三位文史專家(左三):陳姜祝山老師, 蔡東澄, 陳清正校長與台北劉家與大稻埕李家合影。  Three Taitung local historians in a row, Chen Jiang Chusan, Tsai Dongcheng, Principle Chen Chinjen having a fine feast with Taiwan Old Family members Dr. Liu and descendant of Li Chuenshen. 
▲ 聯社台灣老家族在台東阿賓羊肉爐餐廳跟在地台東文史老師與花蓮邱家合影留念。 Taiwan Old Family members gathered with Taitung and Huanlien's local historian and cultural advocates at Tsai Dongcheng's restaurant.

第十一站: 東台溫泉飯店 (Dong Tair SPA Hotel, Chiben, Taitung)

地址 (Address) : 台東縣卑南鄉龍泉路147號 (Google Map Lookup)

簡介 (History of the Site and Visit)

官網:  http://www.dongtair-spa.com.tw/

參訪合影 (Photos for the site and group):
東台溫泉飯店可遠眺中央山脈群山 (李福然提供)  The spectacular scene of soaring central mountains of Taiwan is seen from the Dong Tair SPA Hotel, the second day accommodation in Taiwan Old Family March Tour in East Taiwan. (Photo credit: Li Holian)

東台溫泉飯店的客房大樓 (李福然提供)  The Dong Tair SPA hotel we spent the second night in Eastern Taiwan at Chipeng village.(Photo credit: Li Holian)

(李福然提供)。 The scenic spa and watery area for the hotel at Dong-Tair SPA at Chipeng. (Photo credit: Li Holian)

東台溫泉飯店SPA水療池置身在山林之間 (李福然提供). The Dong Tair SPA hotel sits itself completely surrounds in grand nature of hills and forest. (Photo credit: Li Holian)

第三天屏東旅紀 More on Day 3 destinations 

文字影像整理(Content Authored By) : 

李林進旺 (墨林) (Li Lin Jinwan)
洪惠文 (Katy Hui-wen Hung)
陳國元 (Willie Chen)
